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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Updated as of 02/04/2023 

Submitting authors should adhere to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Core Practices ( Articles submitted to the PJAN should not being concurrently considered in another journal and have not been previously published in any form, in whole or in part. A conference proceeding in the form of abstract not exceeding 500 words is an exception to prior publication. 

Submissions must follow the paper format of the American Psychological Association 7th edition (, which includes 1-in margins on all sides of a line numbered A-4 size paper, using acceptable fonts, double spaced in between lines, indent first line of each paragraph, and left justified. 

Submitting authors must register to the journal website to submit their articles. The submitting author should include the email addresses of all the authors. 

Submission Preparation 

 There are four files submitted to PJAN: 1) Title page; 2) main text; 3) reporting guidelines as applicable (; and 4) cover letter. 

1. Title Page: 

  • Title 
  • Full name of all authors including degrees, certifications, and licensures obtained; put asterisk * on the name of the corresponding author. 
  • Affiliation/s of all authors and addresses 
  • Email address and mobile or telephone number of the corresponding author 
  • Conflict of Interest (None, if no conflict of interest)   
  • Funding 
  • Acknowledgments 
  • Research Registration Number as applicable ( 
  • Data Availability Statement 
  • Twitter handles of the corresponding author (@philjan) 

2. Main Text: 

  • Title 
  • Structured Abstract (Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusion and Impact) which contains 400-500 words written in English and 5-7 keywords. 
  • Introduction identifying the focus, gaps and the significance of the research 
  • Methods  
  • For Qualitative and Mixed Methods Studies, subsections include Research Design, Participants and Setting, Data Collection, Data Analysis, Ethical Considerations and Ensuring Trustworthiness. 
  • For Quantitative Studies, subsections include Research Design, Study Setting, Population and Sampling Technique, Instruments, Intervention/s (in experimental designs), Data Analysis and Ethical Considerations. 
  • For systematic reviews and other types of reviews, subsections include Search Strategy, Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria, Data Abstraction, Quality Appraisal and Data Synthesis. 
  • Results describing the themes in qualitative studies, statistical relationships or the synthesis of data in quantitative studies. 
  • Discussion (limitations of the study is a subsection of the discussion) 
  • Conclusion describing the author’s understanding of the findings with considerations of context and gaps identified.  
  • Implications describing the real world and potential implications of the study. 
  • References 

3. Reporting Guidelines 

4. Cover Letter 

  • The authors should address the significance of the study, elaborate why it should be considered in the journal, statement of authorship and statement that the submission is not being considered in another journal and not being published in any form. 

Specific Guidelines per Article Type 

  • Original empirical research-5,000-8,000 words limit excluding references, tables and figures; up to 30 references 
  • Systematic review and literature review-4,000-5,000 words limit excluding references, tables and figures; no limit in the number of references 
  • Theoretical, philosophical, discursive articles- 4,000-6,000 words limit excluding references, tables and figures, submissions under this category may take any format; no limit in the number of references 
  • Methodological papers-5,000-8,000 words limit excluding references, tables and figures, up to 30 references 
  • Program development and evaluation, and policy papers- 5,000 words limit excluding references, tables and figures; up to 25 references 
  • Guest editorials- 3000 words limit excluding references, no format is required, up to 10 references only 
  • In certain circumstances, the word limit is waived in high quality, exceptional, highly relevant articles and in articles that have great magnitude affecting nursing. 


Tables should be in an editable format and placed close to where they are cited within the text. Follow the latest APA guidelines in formatting your tables.  


Figures should be clear and placed close to where they are cited within the text. Put legends below the figure.    

Overview of the Peer Review System 

PJAN implements a double-blind peer review process where the author and the peer reviewer do not know each other. Information identifying the author’s affiliation in the main text should be masked upon submission. The editor ensures the no identifying information within the manuscript Authors submitting to PJAN agree that their article will be submitted to plagiarism screening and peer-review. 

Peer Review Process 

Authors submitting to PJAN should register in the journal system. After successful submission, all authors will be notified through the registered email address. The editorial staff reviews submission if it is within the scope of the journal and if submission follows the format required per article type. Articles will be returned to the author for formatting. 

After successful submission, the associate editor (AE) will initially appraise the quality, significance and relevance of the article to the journal.  The AE will make a recommendation to the Editor-in-Chief (EIC) if the article conforms to standards and the scope of the journal. 

The EIC receives the submission and makes an initial decision (reject or send to peer review). The decision of the EIC is final. 

The EIC is responsible for choosing peer reviewers for the article who are experts in the field. Peer reviewed articles will undergo a rigorous peer review process. The peer review process may take between 4 weeks to 10 weeks. If the review process exceeds 10 weeks, the corresponding author may inquire to the journal regarding the status of their submission. 

For peer reviewers, accepting the peer review invitations means that he/she has no conflict of interest and commits to provide an objective and impartial review.   

Once peer reviews are received, the EIC will decide. The decisions are as follows: 1) Accept, 2) Revisions required, and 3) Reject. The decision of the EIC is final. 

PJAN Ethical Guidelines 

PJAN adheres to the COPE Core Practices ( 

Allegations of Misconduct 

Reports of allegations of misconduct will be dealt seriously by this journal. Reports will be investigated following guidance released by COPE. Please report allegations of misconduct to or send an email to the EIC. 

Screening for Plagiarism 

We subject all submissions to plagiarism scan. Although we accept articles with a plagiarism score of 5% and below, we further screen articles for evidence of other forms of plagiarism.    


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Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.